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Number of employees at East Penn School District in ?

Salary information and list of employees for Forest County. For example, search for teacher salaries in Philadelphia by school name or teacher name. Average annual salary was $33,884 and median salary was $36,235. This is the case with employees working for organizations such as PHEAA. denext level urgent care sugar land tx Wayne County Salaries. Search Pennsylvania employee salary from 807 records in our salary database. For example, search for teacher salaries in Philadelphia by school name or teacher name. Number of employees at Fayette County in year 2023 was 745. debusty natural Audit of State Agencies, School Districts, Municipal Pensions and More. Look up PA state employee salary by name or employer, using form below. Number of employees at Bedford Borough in year 2023 was 28. Average annual salary was $52,810 and median salary was $52,105. Number of employees at Central Dauphin School District in year 2023 was 938. deebay sent messages Average annual salary was $33,707 and median salary was $38,229. ….

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